Daily Archives: November 7, 2022

Logs and Coals

Get Your Winter Logs and Coal at Weston Sawmill

Winter, as they say, is coming. Based on the weather this week, it’s fair to say that it’s already here. Normally, this would be a time of joy, a time when people of all ages and from all walks of life look towards the holiday period. However, this year – perhaps more than any other year – people are looking at their finances and wondering whether they can afford to keep their heating on. 

There are many different ways of minimising your heating bill, of course – including wrapping up warmly, investing in a hot water bottle, etc. However, one great way of heating your home is by burning logs and coal. 

It sounds like something from a previous century; however, burning coal and wood logs is not only a very effective way of heating your home, but it’s also a surprisingly environmentally friendly way of doing it, too. 

Smokeless Coal and Aesthetic Logs

Normal coal is awful. It’s just awful. It’s awfully expensive, it smells awful, and it’s awful for the environment. Truth be told, we often wonder why anyone would want it in their home at all. 

Smokeless coal, however, is a different story. Made from hard coal (or anthracite), our hard coal is composed of up to 98% carbon. This creates an incredibly efficient burn without the smoke which is normally generated by coal. Because there is much less smoke generated by burning coal, fewer chemicals enter the atmosphere as a result. Likewise, our logs have been manufactured to provide as clean a burn as possible.

At the same time, burning wood and coal have their unique benefits over other forms of heating. Burning wood and coal has a noticeable aesthetic effect on your home; it adds a sense of cosiness to your home that is near-impossible to replicate. 

Where Can I Buy Logs of Wood?

At Weston Sawmill, we provide high-quality wood and coal to our clients throughout Staffordshire. We also sell high-quality Christmas Decorations, Gates, Decking, and Christmas Trees in Staffordshire.

Wooden Logs and Coal at Weston Sawmill

At Weston Sawmill, we’re very well known for our range of high-quality selections of outdoor furniture and wooden products – including logs for wood burners. Furthermore, we can also help you with working out how to store wood logs for a log fire, as well as other considerations. 

Browse our range of products today.